Vermont Area Code, United States

Find the real owner of someone with a 802 Vermont area code


Vermont joined the Union in 1791. The Green Mountain State is so named because of its picturesque landscape and ski resorts. This New England state is also the second least populous state in the United States, with just over 620,000 residents. These residents typically have a phone number, which they use for personal and business communications. Interested persons may obtain detailed information about a phone number owner with a reverse phone lookup on the Vermont phone numbers database

Maintaining a database of phone numbers started because it was useful for residents to quickly get the contact information of neighbors and local businesses.

The first phone number databases were called white pages. The information in these phonebooks is organized geographically by town or city block. So, most people could only obtain the contact information of local residents and businesses. Getting statewide white pages was impracticable, as the details of phone number owners changed often. The online Vermont phone number database has made it easy for interested persons to find information on stranger callers regardless of location. More importantly, the database is regularly updated for the latest information. So, how does this work? 

Take the typical Vermont phone number, 802-NXX-XXXX, for example. 

802 is the area code; NXX is the prefix code, and XXXX is the line number. The area code only tells you the phone number owner’s general location, i.e., city or county. The prefix code narrows it down further and shows more specific information about the caller’s location and phone type. Finally, the last set of digits, the line number, is unique to a specific owner. So, if a Vermont phone number were a house address, the line number would be a specific flat number or house number. 

Although Vermont phone numbers can have the same area code and prefix code, the line number is always unique to a specific person or business. No two persons can have the same line number. However, several persons may have owned the same phone number in the past — this happens when a service provider reassigns the number. Either way, a reverse phone lookup will provide the names and contact information of past and current registered owners of a number.

CountyFIPS codeCounty seatEstablishedPopulationArea
Addison County001Middlebury178537,363770 sq mi
Bennington County003Bennington,
177937,347676 sq mi
Caledonia County005St. Johnsbury179230,233651 sq mi
Chittenden County007Burlington1787168,323539 sq mi
Essex County009Guildhall17925,9205,920
Franklin County011St. Albans (city)179249,946637 sq mi
Grand Isle County013North Hero18027,29383 sq mi
Lamoille County015Hyde Park (town)183525,945461 sq mi
Orange County017Chelsea178129,277689 sq mi
Orleans County019Newport (city)179227,393697 sq mi
Rutland County021Rutland (city)178160,572932 sq mi
Washington County023Montpelier181059,807690 sq mi
Windham County025Newfane177945,905789 sq mi
Windsor County027Woodstock178157,753971 sq mi